Saturday, February 22, 2020

Project report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Project report - Essay Example Hence, we decided to go for the Bluetooth speaker on a plane that connects to an iOS system. The Bluetooth speaker that connects in an airplane requires everyday materials like LEDs (Light emitting diodes) , an arduino which is an open electronic board based on user friendly hardware and software with a few PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pins, a Bluetooth low energy shield, a proto shield, a momentary push switch, some copper wire and, an Iphone 4s or an Iphone 5. Ipad (mini, 5, 4) or an Ipod touch 5th generation can also be used in place of the Iphone. Resistors can also be used, but their use is dependent on the type of LEDs we are using. Since, according to Ohm’s law, resistance and voltage are directly proportional to each other if all other things are constant, therefore high voltage LEDs will require a resistor ( 2015). The use of low voltage LEDs eliminate the need to use resistors and also help in cutting down the cost. Most of the materials used are readily available in local hardware stores. Usually there exists a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) compatible App on the App Store that can get the iOS system to read the BLE compatible device. In case, the user wants to add additional things, a new customized App can be written. The customized app can help run other features that the traditional BLE reader lacks. However, to develop and then run a customized app on an iOS device an extra $100 enrollment fee is required because one needs to be enrolled in the iOS developer program with Apple ( 2015). Since, we are trying to cut down on costs we will not write a new customized app in App Store. Instead we will go with the already present App of Red bear Lab’s in the Apple App Store. The project is fairly easy to make and requires very less time. The materials are not ordered; rather they are just bought off shelves from a hardware store or an electrical equipment shop. This eliminates the ordering

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Human Resource Management Functions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Resource Management Functions - Assignment Example In the next section, this paper will further investigate why human resource management is currently considered so important in attaining superior business performance. After the discussion, it will briefly outline the main functions of human resource management and how these are applied in real world. The role of the workforce in the success or even mere survival of a business organization cannot be overstated. The old clich which states that "people is our most valuable asset" will not probably met disagreement with any manager in this competitive business environment. This is further emphasized by Bullinger, president of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft1 by stating that employees are a company's best assets together with their knowledge, abilities, creativity and commitment. He further asserted that the competitiveness of a business organization is highly correlated with the company's highly trained, creative, and motivated employees. John Purcell further highlighted the importance of employees in his research which emphasized the huge role played by the company's workforce as "strategic partners." This research strongly supports the highly economist viewpoint of Grant (2002: 219) of "aligning employees with organizational goals." Schuler and Jackson (1987) gave a more precise description on how management should "align" their workforce to support the company crafted strategy. Their conclusion was: If management chooses a competitive strategy of differentiation through product innovation, this would call for high levels of creative, risk-orientated and cooperative behaviour. The company's HR practices would therefore need to emphasise "selecting highly skilled individuals, giving employees more discretion, using minimal controls, making greater investment in human resources, providing more resources for experimentation, allowing and even rewarding failure and appraising performance for its long run implications" - on the other hand if management wants to pursue cost leadership (the model) suggests designing jobs which are fairly repetitive, training workers as little as is practical, cutting staff numbers to the minimum and rewarding high output and predictable behaviour. (Boxall and Purcell 2003:53-4) The importance of human resource management therefore can be traced back on the essential role that the workforce plays in the company. As this paper showed above, current researchers highlight employees as on of the competitive advantages in realizing the objectives of an organization. However, a deeper analysis will also reveal the great function of management to turn employees into "most valuable assets" and "strategic partners" thus, the key purpose of human resource management. So, what activities should be performed by the human resource department to produce highly productive employees Functions of Human Resource Management The Economist (2002) recognizes the changing role of HR leaders due to the rapid change in the business climate and environment faced by industry players. This also implies the changing function of the HRM in shaping their employees-from the "psychological contract, rewarding employee loyalty with personal development, financial progression, and job security" to the "boundary less